mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
Apodm34-l Alpha Phi Omega
Bnb-l Books and Breakfast
CampusScouts-l Campus Scout Service Organization
Cfspsu-l [no description available]
DDC [no description available]
Dltest [no description available]
Gorillaradio-l [no description available]
Greengorillas2-l Green Gorillas--student political organization
Kca-l [no description available]
Kcagrads-l [no description available]
Kcca-l [no description available]
LeadershipPSU2015 Leadership PSU 2015
Leadershippsu2016 [no description available]
Mailman [no description available]
Nasa-l Native American Student Association Listserv
Ois-kelce-l [no description available]
Planetarians-l [no description available]
Psu-historynews-l PSU History Department E-Newsletter
Qsa-l PSU Queer Straight Alliance (QSA)
Savemvpsart-l SAVE/MVP-SART
Sekca-l [no description available]
T_O_Staff-l Ticket Office Staff
Workshop-l [no description available]

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version 2.1.12
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